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Lighting the Fuuse under EV Charging

Written by Hannah Haworth

Fuuse launches in the UK

Fuuse team

Fuuse, a new modular, hardware agnostic charge point management platform, built around the latest open standards, has been launched with the ambition of being the operating system for electric vehicle chargers.

Lancashire-based Miralis Data, a transport-focused software and data science company are behind the launch, with a focus on tackling the growing opportunities and challenges around electric vehicle charging.

Fuuse’s flexible, modular approach to charge point management will allow charge point operators, owners and installers the freedom to tailor the charging experience and cater for the rapidly evolving needs of organisations across a range of sectors, individual workplaces and local authorities.

With Fuuse, users will be able to glean insights into the efficiency of their charger network; manage payments and tariffs; monitor and resolve hardware faults; manage and reduce electricity supply costs; set operating hours and restrict access; tackle emerging challenges such ICEing and bay-hogging; and support any number of chargers, all from one back-office system and mobile app.

Michael Gibson, Managing Director of Miralis Data, explains more:

“We’re lighting the fuse under EV charging. We’re aiming to help make the transition to electric vehicles accessible to more domestic drivers and businesses by offering a solution that directly addresses emerging challenges that the electric vehicle roll out presents. Making Fuuse modular allows us to continue developing and honing the solution to meet the changing needs that EV roll out brings with it – offering installers, operators and drivers a seamless charging experience.”

Early adopters of the Fuuse platform include Lancaster City Council and  Charge My Street who are placing new charge points, powered by Fuuse, across the city.

The initiative comes from Charge My Street, a not-for-profit charge point operator who are seeking to make electric vehicle transition more accessible, by building a local infrastructure of chargers to homes without private off street parking.

Ady Powell, Project Officer at Charge My Street explains the positive impact partnering with Miralis is having on the project:

“In our efforts to install community charge points within five minutes of people’s homes, we soon discovered we needed a highly flexible software solution - there is no one size that fits all. Being able to work with local experts Miralis on the development of their Fuuse app and back-end system has given us a tool that allows us to tailor tariffs, access and control to any specific site or host.”

The new Fuuse platform can also be white-labelled, allowing installers, operators and manufacturers a seamless charging experience for their drivers:

“White labelling addresses a pain point that we have seen time again from installers,” says Gibson. “Hardware from manufacturers leads to vendor lock in and gives them very little freedom. Our solution offers installers the opportunity to provide their customers with their own solution, gives them a recurring revenue stream and puts them in charge.”

Fuuse is the latest innovation to tackle Miralis’s overarching aim: to reduce carbon emissions in transport, logistics and supply chains. The company work with organisations including Disney, Diageo, BAE Systems and Europcar on addressing key challenges.

“In the UK and Europe transport is now the largest emitter of CO2 and the only one that continues to grow,” says Gibson. “To tackle the issue we realised we needed to develop commercial solutions that not only tackled the environmental challenge but also helped businesses and organisations make significant financial savings through productivity and efficiency gains.”

Fuuse is live with organisations across the UK including NHS Trusts, rental companies, installers, retailers and charge point operators and is set to expand its capabilities later this year.


Explore how Fuuse charge point management could get you maximise charger utilisation, generate recurring revenue and ease your transition to electric vehicles.

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